Website and Skating Frequently Asked Questions

Testing FAQ:

  • I want to test virtually or at another club's test session. How do I receive permission to test from MFSC?

Complete the Permission To Test form, pay the pertinent fee, and send form to Communications email listed on the form.

  • What are the fees payable to MFSC to test virtually or at another Club?

Virtual Test $20
Out-of-club regular test session $20
Testing at non-MFSC competition $25

  • Why does MFSC charge fees to test outside MFSC?

MFSC incurs administrative costs when skaters test, including the time required to track and input information, as well as the cost of pins and awards at the end of the season.

Website FAQ:

  • Someone is having errors that say 'site not found' or 'your connection is not private'

These are known issue we are working to fix. Please clear your browser's cache and cookies to help resolve the 'connection is not private' error. The 'site not found' is an issue with our domain name that we are working to fix.

  • Why isn't my login working?

If it's from the old website: No account information was transferred over from our old site so you will need to create a new account.

If it's from the new website: contact Dana Schwartz at [email protected] and she can assist with getting you logged in. 

  • How do I create an account? 

The easiest way is to complete you skater's annual membership registration under the 'Annual Registration' tab at the top of the page. An account can also be created when you complete a class registration.

  • How do I register for classes? 

At the top of the page click on the 'class registration' tab. Then click on the class you would like to register for in order to view more information. Finally click the 'Sign Up Today!' button and fill in the necessary information.

  • How do I know what annual membership I am registered for?

Within your account, hover over 'My account' and then click 'account info'. On that tab it should say your membership level which will help for registration.

  • I am a Member of another figure skating club and would like to sign up for contract ice or a class. How can I?

You will need to create an account and complete an annual Guest Skater registration. There are no fees or volunteer hours associate with this, but it will get you registered properly in our site's system. Then you may register for whatever class or ice time you would like!

  • Can I still sign up offline via paper copy?

We are working towards becoming paperless and would strongly prefer everyone to register online. If you experience any difficulties while trying to register please contact [email protected] for help. By completing registrations online it will save our volunteers a LOT of time from manually inputting, tracking, and calculating everything.

Skating FAQs

  • Where can I find information on skating tests and levels?

The US Figure Skating Association's website is quite informative. Search for test structure to learn more.

  • Is USFSA changing the name of moves in the field and other levels? 

Yes! Beginning in the 2023-2024 season, the new structure nomenclature can be found here.